safety & security policy

Passenger guide to safety and security

C Lee transportation in conjunction with DART officialsHas stepped up patrols of transit vehicles, stations and transit Center’s in cooperation with member city police departments and the US department of homeland security (DHS).

All Passengers are encouraged to always be alert, be suspicious of packages and containers and devices, report any emergencies, and suspicious people.

Special security measures being undertaken by the C Lee Transportation staff and the DART police, Rail and bus operators include:

Periodic checks of all mode of transportation vehicles operated by C Lee Transportation and ART.

Sweets of all modes of transportation vehicles operated by C Lee Transportation and DART.

Special announcements to passengers to check around their seats prior to departing vehicles and to report any unattended are suspicious items.

Coordination of security efforts in the dark service area with member city Police Department and C LeeTransportation staff.

Constant communication between C Lee transportation staff DART police remember city police departments regarding any suspicious persons or packages on all modes of transportation operated by C Lee Transportation or DART.

Safety and security begins with you

Educating yourself and your family about safety and security abort are vehicles is important. C LEE Transportation is designed to be user-friendly, fast, convenient, and most importantly safe.

Always be alert

Although the staff of C Lee Transportation in all public safety agency strive to provide all citizens a safe and secure environment, there are actions you can take any time you are in a public location to protect yourself from criminal activity.

First and foremost, be aware of your surroundings and those around you. It is easy to turn everything out while on your phone or listening to music. This is a prime opportunity for Craigslist to take it vantage of the situation. Victims and witnesses were not able to assist in identifications because they did not know their surroundings.

Keep valuable items out of sight, most crimes of based on opportunity. By having valuable items out of sight, including cell phones and MP3 devices, you don’t make it easy for the criminal to quickly grab whatever they see and ran off with it.

Keep your personal items under your control at all times, items such as purses, packages, and briefcases sit down even for just a second, or an easy target for a snatch and run. This will also ensure you don’t forget your items. Items left behind could be considered suspicious and I subject of distruction.

Suspicious package is, containers and devices

Always take all personal items, including trash, with you when exiting all vehicles. Most unattended packages are harmless, But if you find a suspicious item or spilled substance, do not touch or move it. Please notify C Lee Transportation immediately.

Suspicious people
Be aware of people who:

-   Appear lost

-   Loiter, stare or watch others

-   Pace or appear nervous or jumpy

Report people who:

-   Act in a disorderly manner or alarm or disturb others

-   Quickly exit an area after abandoning a package

-   Carry a weapon or suspected weapon

NOTE: To assist us, take note of the persons movements and physical appearance such as clothing, hair color, height, weight and gender.